Episode 063

It’s a first-episode-of-the-new-year extravaganza, featuring both a classic C64 chiptune and a more “modern” one that’s all samples. And plenty of remixes for your discerning ears. Enjoy!

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Thank you for listening. May your love of C64 chip tunes and remixes be with you. Always. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com, by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or on Mastodon.

Episode 062

As 2024 slowly draws to a close, here’s 9 carefully curated tracks to keep you warm and fuzzy this holiday season. Enjoy!

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Thank you for listening. May your love of C64 chip tunes and remixes be with you. Always.

Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com, by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or on Mastodon

Episode 061

Summer is here! To celebrate I turned off the A/C, closed all the windows and sat down to bring you yet another electic mix of C64 remixes and chiptunes. Apologies in advance for the sound quality on my speaking parts. I was forced to relocate to a different part of the house, and that turned out to be less than ideal.

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Thank you for listening. May your love of C64 chip tunes and remixes be with you. Always.

Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com, by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or on Mastodon.

Episode 060

Not a late April Fools, but an actual real episode. And the second one to be released this year. Blimey!

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Download this episode: MP3 (42 minutes – 61 Mb)

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Thank you for listening. May your love of C64 chip tunes and remixes be with you. Always.

Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com, by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or on Mastodon

Episode 059

Happy New Year, everyone! Your ears are not deceiving you – we’re not even half of a month into 2024, and here’s a new episode already. Snuggle up with a mug of a warm beverage and dream yourself away with 8 carefully curated chiptune-remixes.

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Download this episode: MP3 (32:41 minutes – 47.5 Mb)

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Thank you for listening. May your love of C64 chip tunes and remixes be with you. Always.

Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com, by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or C64Takeaway@mstdn.dk on Mastodon.