Episode 048: And then there was one

In return for your patience with my completely erratic publishing schedule here is a little something for your Christmas stocking. Sadly, the (huge) delay is partly caused by the podcast going back to its single-host roots, as Makke has had to cancel his co-host gig. That being said, here’s eight carefully selected tunes that should put a smile on your face – including one that’s become a regular fixture at this time of year. And a brief recap of what’s been happening in the world of C64-related music. Enjoy!

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Download this episode: MP3 (46:52 minutes – 68 Mb)

Music played:

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at https://c64takeaway.com , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway. And at the risk of repeating myself, please leave a review on iTunes. 🙂

Bad News, Everyone!

As some of you might have seen on our twitter feed, Operation Fatherhood has forced Makke to shelve his co-hosting of the #C64 Take-away. I only learned this a week ago myself (not the fatherhood bit – that’s been out in the open for a while) – and the news was a bit of a shock, truth be told. Rest assured that there aren’t any complications or anything of the sort – it’s just eating up his spare time, which babies have a tendency to do. 😀

While I have managed to create the bulk of the show on my own in the past, I believe that Makke’s contribution has become an integral part of the podcast format since he joined up back in early 2009. Which makes it harder to go back to the old single-host formula. Sure, I might be able to get another co-host (although right now I have no idea who that would be) and set up a double ended recording to compensate for us being in different locations. But there’s something about being in the same room as your co-host that comes across in the final product.

Long story short, this leaves the podcast in the state that the old K Foundation poster referred to as a “major rethink in progress“.

In the meantime, please let me know what you think – either in the comments, via twitter, or by e-mail to C64Takeaway ->at<- gmail ->dot<- com. Thank you.

Episode 047: Just in time for Christmas

Just in time for Christmas, Makke and Jan skip an obvious opportunity to pour themselves a generous helping of glühwein. Instead they get all serious (well, not really), and cook up a delicious Commodore 64 styled music burger for you: Two Christmas tunes make up the bun, a solitary SID chiptune provides the dressing, and between it a solid slab of meat mixed from shredded guitars, beatup drums, and pounded pianos. Also, to spice things up there’s C64-related “news”, feedback, and the usual banter on the side. And the “Classic Remix” segment takes us all the way back to 2001.

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Download this episode: MP3 (56:54 minutes – 52 Mb)

Music played:

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at https://c64takeaway.com , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway.

Episode 046

Just when you thought the C64 Take-away was back on a regular schedule, Makke and Jan go and mess it up again – this time blaming it on being extremely busy at work. To make things better, the lads provide you with the longest show so far, clocking in at just over an hours worth of C64 SIDs, remixes, and a couple of off-topic memories – including one about juggling floppies on the Amiga. Also, the “Classic Remix” is back by popular demand.

Stream this episode:

Download this episode: MP3 (62 minutes – 57 Mb)

Music played:

  • Søren “Jeff” Lund – Crossbow
  • LMan & Sunflower – Enigma Force
  • Reyn Ouwehand – Flimbo’s Quest (Live at the Church)
  • Hank – Yet Another Giana Sisters
  • Rune-Bertil’s – Pandora’s Ficka (Ark Pandora)
  • Wobbler – Max Headroom (research programme 9512 remix)
  • Slaygon and Reyn – Troll (Felix Culpa)
  • Monotron – Only You feat. Eliza Zoot (Downstairs @ Monty’s Mix) (From the Remix64 V3: Syntax Era album)

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at https://c64takeaway.com , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway.

Episode 045

Holy rapid release schedule, Batman! Another C64 Take-away already? Makke and Jan are back to entertain you with even more carefully selected C64 SIDs and remixes – including an 8-bit tribute to the man who came up with the moonwalk, and a trip back to the early days of remixing. Also, we talk about the BBC tuning into the chiptune/remix scene, and Apple not wanting people to run emulated 6510 assembly code on the iPhone.

Stream this episode:

Download this episode: MP3 (51:25 minutes – 47 Mb)

Music played:

  • Charles Deenen – Smooth Criminal (From the "Smooth Criminal" demo by Ash+Dave, recorded from a 6581R4 SID)
  • Sonic Wanderer – Druid II: Enlightenment (Turbo Edit)
  • Branko Balsic – Airscape Ride
  • André Müller (Crefelder) – Bomb Jack (Summer Radio Edit)
  • Sonic Wanderer – Great Giana Sisters (Pedal To The Metal Distortion Remix)
  • Hazel – Summer (Barbeque at Dafunks Beachhouse)
  • The Dead Guys – Arkanoid (Dubanoid mix)
  • Mixer – Alka

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at https://c64takeaway.com , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway.