Episode 053

First episode in what feels like forever (according to Wolfram|Alpha it’s been 4 years, 5 months and 3 days).  In return for your patience this episode clocks in at a little over an hour, so expect the usual C64-related music goodness, hand-picked for your listening pleasure. Apologies in advance for any mispronunciations I made on the show. And if I don’t sound as cheerful as usual, it’s because I was really focused on the recording process. 🙂

Thanks to everyone who kept the faith and stayed tuned over the years.

As mentioned on this episode, the podcast is back on iTunes after being removed for undisclosed reasons. So in order to help new people discover these great tunes, I’d really appreciate it if you rate and review the show on iTunes.

Stream this episode:

Download this episode: MP3 (65 minutes – 94 Mb)

Music played:

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings available on the SOASC site.

Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com (please note that comments are automatically disabled after 6 months to prevent spam), by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway. Also, at the risk of re-repeating myself, please leave a rating and a review on iTunes. 🙂

Episode 052

A full year later than originally planned, the podcast that refuses to go away no matter how many curveballs life throws at it returns. To compensate for the lack of recent outings, this one is a whopper containing a total of 15 tunes, all handpicked for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!

Stream this episode:

Download this episode: MP3 (64 minutes – 79 Mb)

Music played:

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site.

Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com (please note that comments are automatically disabled after 6 months to prevent spam), by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway. And at the risk of repeating myself, please leave a review on iTunes. 🙂

Comments disabled on older posts

Even though C64Takeaway.com has a pretty nifty anti-spam plugin installed, roughly 150 unwanted messages managed to sneak into the moderation queue over the past 30 days, and even more before that. So in order to save time on maintaining this site, comments on all past announcements have been disabled, and new posts (like this one) will now have comments disabled automatically after six months.

While it initially annoyed me no end that I have to limit your option to leave feedback via the site, I have also realised that the change will have little impact on real-life usage, since the vast majority of comments on older posts are from people asking when a new episode will be out. 😀 – Very rarely (if at all) has anyone left comments on an older post after stumbling upon this place via a search-engine or referral link somewhere.

On the plus side, this change leaves more time and mental energy to spend on something I’m trying to resurrect this winter. If all goes well it should pop up on your radar sometime before the holidays.

Episode 051: Has it been 30 years already?

Introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show in January 1982, and available to the public in August of 1982 – it’s everyone’s favourite computer: The C64. To coincide with the “C64 Month” campaign (Twitter + Facebook), here’s my contribution in the form of a new episode of the C64 Take-away. As usual the mix consists of a set of great chiptunes and remixes, blended in with a recap of what’s been happening in the world of C64-related music. Enjoy!

Stream this episode:

Download this episode: MP3 (47:37 minutes – 88 Mb)

Music played:

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway. And at the risk of repeating myself, please leave a review on iTunes. 🙂

Episode 050: Redefining ‘infrequent’ since 2005

Ho-ho-ho! Christmas comes a few days early this year. After passing my project manager exam on December 13th, I cleared the mountain of books and papers off my desk and started preparing this episode. In honour of this being the 50th show(!) here’s almost an hours worth of sonic delight – five remixes and five chiptunes, carefully selected for your enjoyment. And while the show doesn’t have a Christmas theme as such, the closing tune should be able to melt even the coldest of hearts and let the Commodore love flow freely. As usual mixed in with a brief recap of what’s been happening in the world of C64-related music. Enjoy!

Stream this episode:

Download this episode: MP3 (57:05 minutes – 102 Mb)

Music played:

Stuff mentioned:

Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at C64Takeaway.com , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/C64Takeaway. And at the risk of repeating myself, please leave a review on iTunes. 🙂