Greetings programmes! After another massive delay caused by too much going on at work, causing me to relax (among other things) in front of the Xbox rather than sit down in front of the microphone every month or two, here’s the first episode of 2011(!). Hopefully making up for the radio silence with nine carefully selected tunes – including not one, but two classic remixes. As usual mixed in with a brief recap of what’s been happening in the world of C64-related music.
Stream this episode:
Download this episode: MP3 (45:27 minutes – 65.2 Mb)
Music played:
- Rob Rubbard – The Last V8
- David Filskov – Firelord
- Ziphoid: Back in the saddle
- Chris Abbott & Rob Hubbard – Comets 97 (From the 1998 CD “Back In Time“)
- Necropolo – Zak (McKrackenica edition)
- Necropolo – BC Bill (Dreadnought)
- Peter Clarke – Monty on the Run (Monty Gets Orchestrated 2011)
- LMan & Sunflower – Follow me (Progressive Sample III)
- DJ Skitz – MegaSweet
Stuff mentioned:
- Markus Behlau (aka “Soundsosound”) – “8 2 88: 8-bit computer game tunes performed on 88 piano keys”
- The new “Commodore 64”
- Julian “Zzap!64” Rignall is on Twitter
- C64 remixing in 2010 infographic
- More chipophone renditions from Linus Åkesson
- Videos from Linus’ gig at the LCP 2011 party
- The original “Back in Time” CD
- Remix64’s guide to digital audio mastering
- The “HybridSID” portable C64 chiptune jukebox
- Please leave a review on iTunes and help others discover these great tunes.
- If you’re on Xbox Live and feel up for some online multiplayer action, look up “Don Kwed“.
Unless otherwise stated tunes played on todays show are available for download from Remix.Kwed.Org , or from the HVSC recordings availble on the SOASC site. Leave feedback either by using the comment section at , by e-mail to C64Takeaway [AT] gmail [DOT] com, or follow me on Twitter at And at the risk of repeating myself, please leave a review on iTunes. 🙂